

Studying the Bible

Reflecting God to the World

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As Christians we are known by God's name. That is why it is so important that we represent Him well. Do others see Him in you? Do they know the Lord better because they know you or do they have a distorted view of who He is because of how you depict Him? In studying Moses's prayer and searching the scriptures, we can be inspired to know and reflect Him better.

When the people refused to enter the land God was giving them, He considered killing them all and starting over again with Moses. But, Moses prayed for mercy. Although it wasn't for their sake but for the sake of God's reputation. He knew the people were known by their God and he didn't want anyone to think that God either had evil intentions or lacked the power to fulfill His plans. So, he prayed in accordance with God’s promises & His character. Moses understood that wrath & punishment were justified. But he’d also seen God’s patience, forgiveness, & steady love from the beginning. So, he asked the Lord to continue exhibiting those characteristics towards His people.

As Christians, we too are known by His name. Do we care that much about God's reputation? Do we reflect Him well to the Lord? Do we even know the character of God well enough to reflect it or pray according to His will? In studying Moses's prayer and searching the scriptures, we can be inspired to know and reflect Him better.


by Ponice Hartman on
Great episode with plenty of food for thought! Thank you! I so appreciate how you bring what has always before been a story in the Bible into God’s word applied on a personal level - and so practically!

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About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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