

Studying the Bible

Heavy Burdens

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Why does God give His children such hard lives? Why do bad things still happen to good people? Have you ever felt like you are being asked to do things you have no ability to do? Or have you felt the weight of a constant, seemingly never ending, all-consuming responsibility? How can we handle the weight of our burdens?

Moses was in charge of millions of people who were needy, dependent, and whiney. This episode we listen in as he expresses his burden to God and tells Him that he doesn't think he can handle it any longer. He compares them to infants and toddlers and says he'd rather die than do this forever. If you have ever felt something that so burdens your heart and consumes your time and energy that it seems to rule all your thoughts & actions or if you’ve ever felt something so perpetual or heavy that at that moment, you would do almost anything to make it stop, listen to how God can help you lift your burden.


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About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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