The Best Place to Be Is Where God Is
The very best place to be, is wherever God wants you! No matter how scary the place seems that He is taking you, it will never be as bad as the place where He is not. It is better to be with Him than to travel this life alone. As long as He is with you, then you will make it through whatever life throws at you.
The Israelites didn't think they wanted to go in the direction that God was leading. But when faced with the reality of their choice, they realized that God knew what He was doing. Like a child, when their consequences were revealed, they tried to reverse course. But they did not truly have an obedient, trusting heart. They were just trying to avoid their useless fate and it was too late. God would no longer fight for them. The victory and blessings were reserved for their children instead. When they left God behind and went their own direction, they were utterly defeated.
We do not have the power to be victorious without God. We have no knowledge of the future or understanding of the path we choose on our own. We also have no insight into the blessings we are missing if we choose not to follow the direction that God is leading each one of us. We want to be on the path that God has for us because He is there with us.
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