Studying the Bible
A king has the right to dictate who, when, & how to enter his presence. Before Jesus, only the high priest could approach God once a year & only then with a sacrifice. But our High Pries...
God is a Holy God & He expects to be treated as such. Two of the priests disregarded God's instructions, did things their own way, & were killed because of it. Serving God is an importan...
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we have been reconciled to God. Our sin separated us from God & deserves death. But Jesus suffered that death for us in order to bring peace between us &am...
God asked the people to make sacrifices to Him. Sometimes they were offerings out of their abundance other times they were sacrifices for sin. Everything they gave had to be from their best. God...
Moses anointed Aaron as high priest, the one that would offer sacrifices for the atonement of Israel's sins. God anointed Jesus as the Messiah that offered Himself as the Sacrifice for us, once ...
The building of God's House is complete & He fills it with His Glory! Then with His Glory Cloud He leads His people. This is His visible Presence with His people. At night, there is fire in ...
When people look at you, do they know that you are a child of God? Do you look any different than the rest of the world? Can others look at you & say “Holy to the Lord”? When God appointed t...
Because of Jesus, we can be intimately close to God. Unlike the Israelites who could only go into the courtyard, or even the priests that ministered in the Holy Place but could not go behind the...
The house that God told Moses to build for Him was BEAUTIFUL! It was a portable building, but this was no ordinary tent. Its frame was overlaid in gold. Its entrance had golden pillars with bron...
God wants His Spirit to dwell in the midst of His people, so He commands Moses to build a tabernacle. While the people are traveling to the Promised Land, God meets with them in this portable te...