Studying the Bible
How well do you take care of those you love, your family and friends, community and church members? Do you look after the least of these? Do you take your responsibilities seriously? Are you rel...
Ruth 2 - Most of the time, the phrase “you reap what you sow” is used in a negative way. It’s a warning not to be too mean, judgmental, stingy, or treat others badly in any way because you just ...
This is the first episode of my new weekly devotion. Subscribe to the new Channel "LivethruJesus Weekly Devotions" to be notified each week when a new episode comes out.
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When Ruth married her husband, she joined herself to his family and his God. Even after his death, she refused to leave either. Her sister-in-law reluctantly went back home, but Ruth knew there ...
After Joshua and his generation died, the people started doing what they thought was right instead of what God said was right. By the end of the book of Judges, one of the tribes committed such ...
Samson was super strong, but also sort of a bad guy. He had a weakness for women, and he did not follow God’s laws concerning them. But we all have weaknesses, and no one follows God’s laws perf...
Satan tricked Samson into thinking that his temporary situation would be permanent, that he only had two choices, and that God would still give him power if he was no longer dedicated to Him. He...
When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, dedicating our lives to Him, then He sends His Spirit to be with us forever. The Holy Spirit came over Samson every time He needed strength, but the ...
As parents we may begin praying for our children before they’re even born. But are we asking God for what we want or what He wants for them? Do we ask for His guidance from the very beginning or...