Studying the Bible
Have you ever felt God calling you to do something, but ignored it? Have you ever known what needed to be done, but didn’t have the will to do it? God called Barak to rescue His people but he ig...
Throughout history, God’s people have strayed without good leaders. They had the law, but still found it difficult to follow without a strong leader. We have the law too, but we also have Jesus....
Everyone in our story today takes the easy way that they want instead of the way that God told them to do things. Micah doesn't want to travel for worship so he makes his own house of God and hi...
Superficial head knowledge of God will not be enough for you to follow Him faithfully. We must grow past that to a deeper more personal understanding of who He is. The more we know Him, the more...
God does not force us to follow Him. We have a choice. But we cannot choose to go our own way then expect to reap His benefits. We live with the consequences of whichever choice we make. With Hi...
Be careful about making presumptions. How deep is your desire for God and His people? Are you willing to defend Him? When do we confront other people about their sin and when do we keep our mout...
Israel is the Promised Land on earth but Heaven is our eternal Promised Land. Place your faith in Him and you will inherit this land.
Are you willing to work for what you want or would you rather complain and make excuses? Life is not always fair. But complaining about it won't change anything.
God literally fights for the Israelites when He sends hailstones to kill their enemies. He also stops the sun at Joshua's request. God has power! But more subtly but no less miraculously, He gav...
When we are faced with a decision, God should be the first One we go to. The Israelites got themselves in a bind because they relied on their own logic instead of asking God. Based on that, they...