

Studying the Bible

Who God Created You to Be

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When God called Moses to deliver the people from Egypt, He made several excuses. He felt inadequate in many ways. God was patient, reassuring, and encouraging and Moses finally followed the call. How do we react when the Lord calls us? God told Moses that He created him, knew all his strengths and weaknesses, and would equip him to do what He called him to. God tells us the same reassuring and encouraging words today. He is detailed and purposeful in creating each one of us. It is not by accident or chance that we are the way we are. He will never ask us to do something that we aren't capable of doing with His help. So answer when the Lord calls! Look at the blessing that Moses received.

Who is God? What is His Name?

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Moses is 80 years old when God calls him back to Egypt to finally deliver the people from their oppression. When asked who he should tell the people that God is, the Lord says, "I am who I am. Tell them, I am has sent you." So we discuss who the Israelites would know God to be up to this point in the earth's history & why He is a glorious and holy God. Listen to hear many of God's names & characteristics.

Seek Justice

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The oppression of the Egyptians has gone too far and it is time for God to begin executing His plan for deliverance, so Moses is born. Moses is a man that cannot stand quietly, idly by and watch injustice being done to others. Three times he stands up for the powerless. Who do we know that is oppressed? How do we stand up for them?

Civil Disobedience

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Jacob & his sons have all passed away by this time and the children of Israel had multiplied greatly. The new Pharaoh was afraid of this large group of people and he sought to suppress them. He first submitted them to hard labor but they continued to grow into a large nation just as the Lord promised to Abraham hundreds of years before. When that did not work, he told the midwives to kill all the baby boys at birth. But the midwives feared the Lord and they did not do it. When confronted by Pharaoh they lied to him. The Lord rewarded the midwives for their faith by giving them a family of their own. We then go to the scriptures to find out how the Lord feels about civil disobedience.


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Jacob dies and is buried in Hebron. Joseph's brothers begin to worry that he will punish them for selling him into slavery, so they beg for his forgiveness. Are they truly sorry or just afraid? Does it matter? Does God want us to forgive even if the other person isn't repentant? Can we trust God with that person's intentions and move forward?

Jacob's Last Remarks

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Joseph continues as governor over Egypt. The people begin paying a 20% tax. Jacob is about to die so he gathers his sons & some of his grandsons, telling each of them what will happen in the coming years. Joseph gets double the inheritance & his younger son will be greater than his older. This a very informative episode about the Israelite nation.

The Family Reunion

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Joseph and Jacob are finally reunited. Joseph settles his family in Goshen. This is how God keeps them one nation under Him while also allowing them to grow. Jacob describes his life as short but evil. We contrast his life with that of his fathers and of Joseph. Then we reflect on our own lives and how we can be thankful for the life that the Lord has given us.

God Knows the Big Picture

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Joseph finally tells his brothers who he is. He then explains that their part in sending him there was wrong but that God had a plan. The Lord worked everything together for the good of their family and the surrounding country. We spend the rest of our time talking about the Providence of God. He is in control. He has a plan & a purpose. He is perfect & powerful. We look at several verses revealing His character, explaining how He works within our difficult times, how He is with us, how He comforts us, gives us hope, and is worthy of our trust because He know the big picture that we do not.

Sacrificial Love

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Joseph's brothers continue to prove their loyalty & devotion to Benjamin. They do all they can to keep their promise to their father proving their love & unselfishness towards him. Judah presents himself before Joseph as Benjamin's substitute. This reminds us of Jesus who is our substitutionary sacrifice. We also are asked to give our lives to Him in return and love others with a sacrificial love.

Helpless but not Hopeless

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I can't but He can. Simeon has been put in prison until they bring Benjamin back to Egypt. But Jacob is afraid and will not let him go. It isn't until he has no other choice that he finally gives in. When he is helpless and powerless, he gives up control, and trusts God with his family. Sometimes God has to bring us to a place of helplessness so that we will turn to Him for help. Sometimes He has to show us that we do not have the power to fix the situation so that we will turn to the One with all the Power. He is our ever present help in times of trouble! He is Almighty God!

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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