

Studying the Bible

Guilty Conscience

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Joseph's brothers go to Egypt to get food & they don't recognize him. So he tests them to see their character 20 years after they sold him. We talk about being decisive & proactive, not allowing ourselves to be too overwhelmed or fearful to make good decisions. Also we talk a little about jealousy but the main focus is on the guilty conscience of his brothers. How do we handle it when we have seemingly gotten away with something wrong? What is God's way for us to truly be set free from our guilt?

Trusting God within Hardship

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Joseph and Pharaoh. This one is a little long because it is a combination of two lessons but it is so good. After 13 years of suffering, 13 years of ups and downs, Joseph gets out of prison and begins to see God's plan for his future. We look back at his life and see that God had his hand in Joseph's life the whole time. He was preparing him for what was to come. How do we deal with times of suffering or difficult times? We look at several scriptures to help us trust Him all the way through and come out stronger and better than when we went in.


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When life gets Better. Joseph interprets 2 prisoners dreams. One of them is supposed to help him get out of prison after he is set free himself, but he doesn't. Was he too ashamed to mention his imprisonment? Did he just get busy with his life? Was he trying to put the bad times out of his mind? When you get to the other side of your struggles, do you forget the people that helped you? Do you try to put it all out of your mind & forget everything you learned when times were hard? Do you forget all God did for you? Do you get prideful and think you alone pulled yourself out? Also, how easily do you talk about God in your everyday conversation?

She Cries Rape

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Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. He must have felt so betrayed and afraid. But he was bought by an important man and God gave him favor towards Joseph. He was soon put in charge of his master's entire household. But his wife also had favor towards Joseph and since Joseph continued to turn her down, she decided to get rid of him. She made up false rape accusations and Joseph was thrown into prison. But God was with him and he was favored by the prison keeper too and made the second in charge there also. So God was with him, but still allowed him to suffer when he had done no wrong? Why? How do we react in times of suffering? Do we trust Him? Do we question Him?

You Hypocrite

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Judah and Tamar. Judah's two oldest sons were wicked and God killed them both before they were able to have any children. Then Judah puts his daughter in law in a bad position and ends up with a situation he never bargained for. His hypocrisy is quickly revealed but he does take responsibility and God redeems him. How hypocritical are we at times? Do you put things off that you should be doing or make excuses that aren't completely truthful? What do we do when we are confronted with our sin? Is redemption available for us too?

Favortism & Hatred

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Joseph Sold by Brothers. Jacob didn't hide that Joseph was his favorite son. This made the rest of his sons very jealous. Then Joseph had 2 dreams that insinuated that he would one day rule over them all. That was more than his brothers could take! So when given the opportunity, they conspired to get rid of him. Jacob, Joseph, & the brothers all respond badly to their feelings. When we allow our feelings to rule, then they can grow & cause us to do horrible things.

The Unconditional Promise

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As Jacob and his family travel from Shechem, God protects them. Even though his sons have done wrong, God keeps His promises and reassures Jacob of that. Rachel dies in childbirth and Jacob has another son. God divinely moves Esau out and Jacob in to the promised land. We wrap up the lives of Isaac, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, and Esau.

Revenge:The Dinah Incident

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When a man in the new land defiles their sister, the brothers conspire against him. Their reaction is one of deceit, vengeance, & injustice. How do we react when others do us harm? It is hard to do what is right and leave the rest to God but it is the right way. We are called to truth, fairness, & peace.

Wrestling with God

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Meeting Esau. As Jacob prepares to meet his bother Esau he is very afraid. We examine 2 encounters he has with God before his meeting & how they are a model for us in our prayer lives. Just a few things we hit on: Going to God first, reminding ourselves of who He is, what He says, & what He's already done, being authentic, wrestling with God, allowing Him to make us new.

God is Witness

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Jacob & Laban. Jacob had served Laban 14 years for his wives & had 11 sons & he was ready to go home. But it was not in God's timing, so he made a deal with Laban to stay with him in exchange for a flock of his own. Jacob trusted God to bless his flock & He made him very prosperous. After 6 years, the Lord told him it was time to leave. But instead of telling Laban, he just left because he assumed Laban would not want him to go. Laban felt blindsided & went after him. Jacob's second assumption could have been worse than his first but the Lord took care of him & they made peace. Do you trust God with your livelihood? Do you trust His timing? Are you confident enough to just be upfront & open with others, trusting God with their response?

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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