

Studying the Bible

Don't Look Back

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Leave the Sinful Life. When the angels go to Sodom in search of righteous men, they find extreme wickedness, except for Lot and his family. They tell him to leave the city before they destroy it, and when he takes too long, they take them all by the hand and pull them out. Lot's wife looks back at the city and God turns her into a pillar of salt because of her disobedience. Sometimes, we too need God to pull us away from our sinful lives. When He does, we need to go willingly, not looking back at what we are losing but focusing on Him to lead us to a better place.

Sodom and Gomorrah

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Wrath, Patience, Mercy, Justice. Is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah an example of God's extreme wrath or does His conversation with Abraham before-hand show His patience and mercy? Abraham pleads for the lives of the righteous and God has compassion on them. We too are asked to have compassion for others and speak up for those that have no voice of their own.

All is Possible with God

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Sarah has Isaac. God changes Sarah's name to the plural form because she will be princess to many now that she is having her own child. When Sarah finds out that she will have her own son, she laughs because she is almost 90 years old. But nothing is impossible for God and she does get pregnant and have a son. Meanwhile, Abraham is concerned for Ishmael because he thought the promises would all be fulfilled through him. God eases his concern by telling him that Ishmael also will become a great nation. The promise will just not come through him.

Uncover Your Heart

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Setting His People Apart. God changes Abram's name to Abraham. God is detailed and always thinking of what's best for us. He gives them the covenant of circumcision. This sets them apart from the rest of the nations but is also an outward profession of an inward openness to God. How open is your heart to God today?

Taking matters into their own hands

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Hagar and Ishmael. When Abram and Sarai still don't have any children of their own, Sarai comes up with a plan that makes matters worse. We also discuss how children are always from the Lord and how He alone is responsible for conception. Also, taking responsibility for our actions and what to do when we grow impatient. How to discern God's call to action & when to wait and trust His plan. Hagar finds out that God sees, hears, and is Living.

Faith, Works, & our Eternal Promise

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Abram's Own Son. God promises Abram that he will have a son of his very own. God says he's righteous just for his faith. We also are righteous because of our faith and not our works. God tells Abram the rest of the story concerning him and his family. We too know the rest of our story, if we have faith like Abraham. God gives us an eternal inheritance with Him.


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Jesus and Melchizedek. Abram rescues his nephew Lot from captivity. But more importantly, he meets with Melchizedek, who is the priest and king of Salem/Jerusalem. We will talk about the symbolism of Melchizedek and the foreshadowing of our Priest and King, Jesus Christ. We compare and contrast the Levites, Melchizedek, and Jesus. By studying different passages throughout the Bible, we get the whole picture of the law and grace, offerings and sacrifices.

Abraham and Lot Separate

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Think of Others. After leaving Egypt, Abram is proactive and in order to ensure peace between him and his nephew, they separate. Abram gives Lot the choice and he chooses the best looking land, but there is something that he has overlooked. Then God tells Abram a little more about His promises. We discuss topics like: getting back on track, giving preference to others, and how our surroundings can affect us.

Abram Called by God

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Blind Faith. Abram steps out in blind faith at the age of 75 and God makes him many promises. But a while in to his journey, he gets afraid and lies, placing him and his wife in a bad situation. But God stays true to His promise of blessing, intervening in His mercy.

Tower of Babel

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Pride & Glory. The people want to make a name for themselves. Honor and Glory belong only to God. Pride comes before the fall (or the scattering). What can God see from heaven? Languages, races, cultures, people groups, and where did each one settle in our world today.

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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