

Studying the Bible

Discretion & Justice

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Noah Gets Drunk. When Noah gets drunk, Ham makes fun of him and tells his brothers. They honor their father and cover him. God values discretion. When Noah finds out, he curses Ham's son. Is this fair? Is God fair?

Peace after the Storm

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The Rainbow. The rains have stopped. Noah finds peace on the earth again. We too can find peace from God and with others. Noah praises God. The people can now eat meat. Life is precious to the Lord. The Rainbow of Promise. God always keeps His promises.

The Ark and Flood

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Be Ready. How big was the ark? How did all the animals fit? How were all the species preserved? How were they all fed? Were they hibernating? What did they drink? Fossils and the new earth. How is the flood like the second coming of Jesus? Will you be found righteous, when the end comes?

Good & Evil Men

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Before the Flood. The men that are born from Adam to Noah are listed along with the age they were when they died. Enoch is so pleasing to God that he doesn't die and Noah pleases Him enough to be saved in the world wide flood. Methuselah is the oldest recorded living man. The sons of God have children with the daughters of men and the thoughts of the people are only evil continually. God tells Noah that He is sad because the people are so bad and He is going to destroy the whole earth and begin again with just Noah and his family. Noah believes God and demonstrates his faith.

Sin Desires to Have You

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Cain and Abel. What is experiential knowing? What can happen when we allow ourselves to dwell on feelings of jealousy, anger, discouragement or victimization. Why it is important to listen to criticism and warnings. Focusing more on ourselves than others & having a conscience. Lastly, who are all the people on the earth during this time? Where did they all come from?

Consequences & Salvation

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God's Response to Sin. Being Content. Lasting consequences are imposed on the man, woman, & serpent. But, also, a permanent way to reconciliation. God provided a way from the very beginning for His people not to be separated from Him. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice and the Holy Spirit is given to us all who believe.

Satan's Tactics & Our Defense

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The Fall. It is very important to know how Satan works, so that we know how to respond. This passage is a wonderful example & in this lesson we break down his tactics & how we should respond to each. We talk about topics like doubt, temptation, sin, the company we keep & blaming others. What is the difference between deception & a lie? What is the difference between shame & godly sorrow.

Why are we here?

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The Trinity, Our Purpose, & Marriage. How we are created in the image of God, the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit. Then, why did God create us? What is our purpose & what are our roles as men & women. Work was created by God by working together we feel fulfilled, useful, & important. God created the marriage relationship & set its foundation during the creation week.

In the Beginning

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The creation week. What did God create each day? When was the first rain? So much more was created than what we see. The entire foundation for everything was established in this one week. The laws of earth were set in motion with its seasons, days, & years. Our food & growth system was established along with relationships, work, & rest. Also, what does the Bible say about dinosaurs & how much does the world influence our beliefs?

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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