

Studying the Bible

The Only One Who Has Power

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Hannah had been feeling powerless for years. In a fit of desperation, she took her problem to the only One who has power. We, too, have access to the King of the Universe. He can be trusted with all our problems, fears, worries, needs, and wants. He may not always give us what we want but He always has our best interests at heart, He knows what is good and right for everyone, and He is the only One with the power to really help us. Take it all to Him and leave it at His feet.

Give It All Up To God

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Hannah couldn't have children and she was devastated. This was not a problem that she or her husband or anyone else could fix. So, she took it to the Lord. She told Him that if He would give her a son, she would give him back to God.
Everything we have was given to us by the Lord. So, it does not belong to us exclusively. It has been entrusted to us. So, we should be good stewards of what He’s given to us and give everything up to Him in prayer and dedication.

Adoption and Redemption: Land and Legacy

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Boaz redeems Naomi’s land and legacy, pointing us to the One who redeems us all and gives us an eternal inheritance. Through their lineage we see King David and eventually Jesus. Ruth is not an Israelite and we will also see two other ancestors who are foreigners. This shows us that all who adopt Jesus as their Savior and King, will be redeemed. Choose Him as your Kinsman Redeemer, the Brother who bought your way back into the family of God.

Looking After the Family

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How well do you take care of those you love, your family and friends, community and church members? Do you look after the least of these? Do you take your responsibilities seriously? Are you reliable and trustworthy?

Ruth took care of Naomi by following her to Israel and gleaning in the fields for food. But now Naomi follows up on her first caretaking mission which was for Ruth to find rest in the house of a husband. As we watch her instruct Ruth on how to approach Boaz, then Boaz graciously accept responsibility for the women of his close relatives who had died, we will reflect on how well we take care of those we love.

Kindness and Care

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Ruth 2 - Most of the time, the phrase “you reap what you sow” is used in a negative way. It’s a warning not to be too mean, judgmental, stingy, or treat others badly in any way because you just might receive what you give to others. But here we see the positive side. When Ruth asked Boaz why he was being so kind to her, he said he was only returning the kindness she had shown to her mother-in-law. Sometimes it’s hard to treat others well, especially if we are going through something difficult ourselves. But knowing that we will eventually reap what we sow, should encourage us to be kind, caring, giving, or forgiving even when it’s hard.

Sneak Peek: New Devotional Podcast

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This is the first episode of my new weekly devotion. Subscribe to the new Channel "LivethruJesus Weekly Devotions" to be notified each week when a new episode comes out.

When reading the first chapter of Ruth, I saw how she made her faith her own whereas her sister-in-law's commitment was temporary and circumstantial. Our faith may begin as our parents, spouses, or friends, but eventually we must make it our own.

Loyalty and Faithfulness

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When Ruth married her husband, she joined herself to his family and his God. Even after his death, she refused to leave either. Her sister-in-law reluctantly went back home, but Ruth knew there was nothing left in Moab to go back to. So, she went to Israel with her mother-in-law, made it her home, and followed their God. Her loyalty and faithfulness to her adopted family and God are a testament to us all.

Where Did it all God Wrong?

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After Joshua and his generation died, the people started doing what they thought was right instead of what God said was right. By the end of the book of Judges, one of the tribes committed such a grave sin that the rest of the nation went to war against them. After the war was over, they stopped to contemplate how their country had arrived at this place and how they might preserve the rest of the tribe that sinned.

When they all started going their own way, their nation began to suffer. God had given them laws, but they weren’t following them. It is the same with us. When we begin going our own way, our life begins to fall apart. So, we must realize this and begin doing things God’s way in order to get our lives back on track. When we do this, God will forgive, redeem, and restore.

God Uses Weak, Flawed People

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Samson was super strong, but also sort of a bad guy. He had a weakness for women, and he did not follow God’s laws concerning them. But we all have weaknesses, and no one follows God’s laws perfectly. Maybe God used a man whose flaws were so visible, so that we would see God’s power instead of Samson’s, and so we can see that the Lord can use us even though we fail to live up to His standards. We don't have to be good enough, we just have to rely on Him. When we are weak, He is strong.

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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