God is Our Refuge and King
A refuge is the person or place that we run to when we need protection, comfort, advice, or help. Though God is the only adequate refuge, because we cannot see Him or hear His voice audibly, we often go to the people and places we can see and talk to. Then, a king is the one that we cede all our power to, the one we trust with our lives, the one we submit to. God alone is worthy of such power or faith.
But the people of Shechem repeatedly took refuge in their houses of Baal, yet their god was not able to protect them. Their worship of foreign gods along with their desire to make a man betrayed their loyalty and reliance on the One True God and King. We may not worship other gods or turn to them for refuge, but do we look to the Lord and bow to only Him or do we rely on ourselves and others while placing other things above Him?