

Studying the Bible

God Has Power in Heaven and Earth

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God literally fights for the Israelites when He sends hailstones to kill their enemies. He also stops the sun at Joshua's request. God has power! But more subtly but no less miraculously, He gave the Israelites the stamina, endurance, and strength to travel 20 miles uphill overnight, then fight victoriously for a longer than ordinary day. God equips us for what He calls us to.

Pray Before You Act

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When we are faced with a decision, God should be the first One we go to. The Israelites got themselves in a bind because they relied on their own logic instead of asking God. Based on that, they made an oath in God's name and they couldn't break it.

What Happens When You Do It God's Way

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We start this year with encouragement to put the past behind us and begin the year committed to following Jesus. Repenting of the past allows us to move forward confident and at peace. Then we talk about why God doesn't tell us everything we want to know and how we can trust and patiently obey anyway.

Living With Destructive Things

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How can we find understanding and faith when we are confused and doubt? Is our sin of any value to us and how can we be truly set free from it? We can't bring destructive things into our lives and think they won't affect us. They will always bring us trouble in the end and they pull us away from God whether we realize it or not. Satan tempts each of us in our own ways, trying to convince us that our sin is okay. Then, if we give in to that temptation, he immediately reminds us of how wrong it was and further tempts us to hide it. But the only way to ever be truly free from our sin, is to bring it in to the light and destroy it. Confess it to God and repent of it and let Jesus cover it with His blood.

Devoted to the Lord

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The city of Jericho was devoted to the Lord. Some of it was devoted for destruction and some of it for holiness, but it was all devoted to the Lord. Evil must be destroyed or it will harm what is good. Only Rahab was saved because she placed her faith in God above all else. We are all devoted to destruction unless we place our faith in God to save us from it and devote us to holiness instead.

A Public Profession of Faith

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Before their first battle, the Lord commanded the Israelites to renew their commitment to Him through circumcision. This was a sign of God's covenant to give them the Promised Land and make them into a great nation, yet their father's had broken this covenant and failed to circumcise them. So, now that they are in the land and God will soon fulfill His covenant with them, they must do their part in obedience, faith, and allegiance to God. It was an outward sign of their inward faith just as baptism is for us today. It is our public profession and a picture of our sins being buried with Him and washed away as we are raised with Him anew.

Prove Your Faith With Action

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We can say we believe in God, but we only fully believe if we have the faith to prove it. If we refuse to act on our belief, the we don’t truly believe. We have either too much doubt, fear, or pride keeping us from trusting Him enough to take that first step. God requires that we act on our belief to prove that what we say isn’t just lip service. The way the Lord brought His people into the Promised Land is a perfect picture of faith, courage, and the Christian life.

Your Faith Has Saved You

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When God reveals Himself to us, do we see Him for who He is and follow Him, or do we resist? When the people of Jericho saw God's power revealed through Israel, everyone resisted Him but Rahab. Because she feared Israel's God more than the king of Jericho and since she placed her trust in Him over their armies, she was saved. She was a prostitute (a sinful woman) yet God saved her because she placed her faith in Him. After her rescue, she lived with Israel, following God the rest of her life. God is willing to save any sinner that is willing to acknowledge who He is and follow Him. He wants everyone to profess their faith in Him and make Him their Lord and Savior.

Spiritual Courage in Difficult Times

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God prepares Joshua to take the people into the Promised Land by saying it will be a fight. But God will be with Him and He will be victorious in the end. He can only be defeated if He's too scared to fight. But if He is courageous enough to go into the land and do everything God tells Him to do, then He will take possession of it. We too, if we have the courage to not only make Jesus our Savior but also our Lord and follow Him wherever He leads, we will be victorious in the end. There is a grand Promised Land waiting for all who place their faith in Him and we will dwell in it with Him forever.

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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