

Studying the Bible

Teach Us to Number our Days

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First we will look back on the life of Moses, then we will reflect on our own. Life is short. In the day to day, sometimes it can feel long and hard, but if we let ourselves get caught up in the busy moments, we can easily lose sight of what's most important. The hard times don't last forever and neither do the good. When you look back on your time in school, it really was only a small portion of your life. When your children graduate and move out, you say "it all went by so fast." I assume that if we live to be 100 years old, we will say that it all went by so fast. So, we need God to teach us to number our days, so we can grow a heart of wisdom. We don't want to waste this life! But most importantly, we don't want to live it without Him. His blessings are so sweet and His love, comfort, forgiveness, guidance, and perspective is so needed. Not to mention, that one day, we will answer for our time here. If we have spent our life on earth with Him, we will spend eternity with Him. But if we live without Him here, we will live without Him forever.

Align Yourself With God

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We are all presented with a choice. We can align ourselves with God or we can turn away from Him. When we align ourselves with the Almighty God, we have power on our side. If we choose to turn away and go our own way or align ourselves with something else, then we reject His power. Providing that there is no power greater than that of the Almighty God, we want Him for us and not against us. There is no other that loves us like the Lord. He is worthy of our love and obedience, but also, we need His blessings. In Him we have all we need.

Follow the Leader

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God goes before us to the prepare the way and He is always with us. He wants us to spend time with Him, reading His Word, learning about Him and His ways, and talking to Him. His Word teaches and guides us and when we pray, His Spirit will show us the right way. We can trust Him. He also sends us godly mentors and leaders. So, look for them and follow them. Don't rebel against the Lord or your spiritual leaders, because they look out for your souls. But, even when we do rebel and go our own way, our loving Father always welcomes us back. He loves His children and has gone to great lengths to be close to us. His Son sacrificed His life for it.

God's Commands Are Not About Rules: They're About Relationships

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Sometimes God's laws can feel overwhelming or restrictive. He's given us Ten Commandments, things we have to do or things that we can't do. These laws can make us feel like a failure or maybe we feel accomplished. We might obey out of fear or self-righteousness instead of looking at His laws as they were intended. Jesus made it simple. The sum of the law is this: love God and love your neighbor. Then you will fulfill the laws of God. There are not really ten but two. The first four teach us how to love God and the last six teach us how to love each other. It's not about rules, it's about having a relationship with our God and fostering better relationships with others.

Where Our True Treasures Lie

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Do not covet is the Tenth Commandment. The Bible says wanting what others have is self-idolatry. Instead of wishing for things we don't have, we are told to worship God because of the things we do have. We look at several Bible verses that talk about where our focus should be and why. It's a great reminder of where our true treasures lie

Truth and Justice

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Has anyone every told a lie about you? Lies can hurt our feelings and our reputation and their are consequences for those lies, often to the one that is being lied about, but also to the one telling the lies. God cares about truth and justice. So, either the truth will be made known or God will have it eat you upside until you confess. Ultimately, those who lie associate themselves with Satan, who is the father of lies, and those that tell the truth, associate themselves with Jesus, who is The Truth. We ultimately answer to Him for our lies. But when we tell the truth, we reveal Him to the world.

Taking and Giving

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We learn as toddlers not to take things that don't belong to us. But stealing is much more than breaking into someone's house. The Bible says it is the same as stealing when we cheat other's out of the money, withhold someone's wages, charge interest, and when we don't give a portion of what He's given us back to Him. Yes, we can even steal from God.

Fall in Love with Jesus

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Have you ever been in a really bad relationship? You know if you commit your life to this person it will destroy you, but you love them, or you feel trapped, or you think no one else would want you anyway, so you're torn. If you made it out, and you found someone that loves you and makes you feel safe, someone that's easy, and comfortable, and gives you great joy, then you know how tremendously thankful you are for them. There is no comparison between your new life and your old, and you are so relieved that you escaped.

In this episode we compare our bad relationship to sin and the law to our wonderful relationship with God. Our new life and our old and we examine all the reasons that joining ourselves to Him and leaving our old life behind is so very worth it!

The Sacred Union of Marriage

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The sacred union of marriage & family were established by God in the beginning and were meant to be a blessing to us forever. The family is the foundation of society and it mirrors our relationship with God. Therefore, it is very important to Him that we honor marriage and our promises.

Let It Go!

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The 6th commandment says not to murder. We read that and we think 'checked that box. Good Job!' Then we keep reading and see that Jesus warns against even getting angry and we think 'Oh, maybe that's just the bear minimum. I might not doing so well after all.' Our self-righteousness fades away and humility takes its place. We are all lawbreakers and yet we have a Savior to free us and a Spirit to guide us. Love is the answer.

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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