God gave Israel the sacrifices and the priests as a picture of Him and Jesus. The sacrifices had to look perfect because they represented our Perfect Savior. The priests also had to look perfect, honorable, & pure because they represented God to the people. That is why there were strict rules for the sacrifices and the priests. The high priests met with God and continuously served Him, so they had even stricter guidelines than the other priests. The pure couldn't associate or be joined with the impure, the holy with unholy, the honorable with the dishonorable, the perfect with the imperfect. When we accept Jesus as our pure and perfect sacrifice, we become God's representatives to the world so we also have to look pure, perfect, and honorable. As sinful humans we cannot do that by ourselves. But when the Holy Spirit dwells in us, then He produces God's character in us as we spend time with Him and feed ourselves with His Word.