

Studying the Bible

Reflecting God to the World

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As Christians we are known by God's name. That is why it is so important that we represent Him well. Do others see Him in you? Do they know the Lord better because they know you or do they have a distorted view of who He is because of how you depict Him? In studying Moses's prayer and searching the scriptures, we can be inspired to know and reflect Him better.

Paradise Lost - Hopes Dashed

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How do you react when your dreams don't come true? Do you trust God with your future or do you give up? Are you able to focus on Him instead of yourself or the things of this world? Where do you place your hope?

God's Power to Answer Prayer

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God hears our prayers. He sees what we are going through and understands the burdens we carry. Most importantly, the Lord has the power to strengthen us and to bring us out on the other side of whatever we are dealing with.

Heavy Burdens

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Why does God give His children such hard lives? Why do bad things still happen to good people? Have you ever felt like you are being asked to do things you have no ability to do? Or have you felt the weight of a constant, seemingly never ending, all-consuming responsibility? How can we handle the weight of our burdens?

Complaining and Being Discontent

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Is Christianity boring, limited, and restrictive? Do we let the world convince us that they have something better to offer? Do they? How do we keep ourselves from complaining when we aren't happy with our circumstances. How can we be objective about our life without God and hopeful about our future?

God's Beloved

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God is always with us.
God wants to have a relationship with every person on earth.
How He treats His beloved servants and those who go against them.
Belonging to God, Jealousy, Judgment, & Being Self-Righteous

Belonging to God

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God blessed the nation of Israel, not because of anything they had done but because they belonged to Him. The Bible says that anyone that has the faith of Abraham (the father of the nation of Israel) is also given the right to be called His children. So when we accept the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, we are adopted into the family of God. As His children, we house His Holy Spirit. God says that He freed the Israelites from the slavery of the Egyptians so that He could live with them. He frees us from the slavery of our sin also so that He can come live with us. He put His name on the Israelites, and as His children, we too bear His name and we should desire to bring honor to that name. We want to walk worthy of the price that Jesus paid for us.


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The Israelites learn about redemption when God takes the Levites in place of their firstborn sons. He is pointing them to the future redemption that will be offered through Jesus for all mankind. Through the Israelites, we learn what redemption looks like which gives us a fuller appreciation of the price that Jesus paid for our lives.
The Israelites also take their first census, & since they are about to begin their journey to the Promised Land, they get their camping and travel arrangements. The Levites are also given their specific duties regarding the Tabernacle. We too have been redeemed for His service. Because of His redemption, we have a desire to live for Him.

Holy to the Lord

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Nationality, assimilation, on the job training, retirement, full or part time ministry, and dedicating ourselves to God. A year after the Exodus, the Israelites celebrated the second Passover to remind themselves of how the Lord spared their firstborn sons. God told them to dedicate their firstborn to Him from that moment on. But after the building of the Tabernacle, God took the Levites as His in place of their firstborn. So the Levites were set aside to the Lord for service to in the Tabernacle in a cleansing ceremony. God then gave the guidelines for their service and further instructions for the Passover. Along with the mandatory dedication of the Priests and Levites, God also gave rules for common people if they wanted to set themselves apart for Him. These people were called Nazarites. We too can set ourselves apart for the Lord.

Pure, Holy, & Honorable

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God gave Israel the sacrifices and the priests as a picture of Him and Jesus. The sacrifices had to look perfect because they represented our Perfect Savior. The priests also had to look perfect, honorable, & pure because they represented God to the people. That is why there were strict rules for the sacrifices and the priests. The high priests met with God and continuously served Him, so they had even stricter guidelines than the other priests. The pure couldn't associate or be joined with the impure, the holy with unholy, the honorable with the dishonorable, the perfect with the imperfect. When we accept Jesus as our pure and perfect sacrifice, we become God's representatives to the world so we also have to look pure, perfect, and honorable. As sinful humans we cannot do that by ourselves. But when the Holy Spirit dwells in us, then He produces God's character in us as we spend time with Him and feed ourselves with His Word.

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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