Studying the Bible
Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to die? Why did God set it up that way when He could have just kept us from sinning at all or forgiven our sins without confession and death? Then we all wou...
Pride comes before the fall. Satan was prideful and wanted to be like God. That's what caused his fall from heaven to earth. Then he tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of the knowledge of g...
Have you ever had someone intervene on your behalf? How does it feel when you know that there is at least someone that has your back no matter what? No matter how much trouble you get yourself i...
In the family, everyone has a part to play. If one person's missing, the family's incomplete. It's the same in the family of God. We all play a special part. But in our families and in the famil...
The very best place to be, is wherever God wants you! No matter how scary the place seems that He is taking you, it will never be as bad as the place where He is not. It is better to be with Him...
Courage is not being absent of fear. Courage is moving forward in spite of the fear we feel. We all are fearful sometimes. The question is: Do we act on our fear or our faith? We face very diffe...
As Christians we are known by God's name. That is why it is so important that we represent Him well. Do others see Him in you? Do they know the Lord better because they know you or do they have ...
How do you react when your dreams don't come true? Do you trust God with your future or do you give up? Are you able to focus on Him instead of yourself or the things of this world? Where do you...
God hears our prayers. He sees what we are going through and understands the burdens we carry. Most importantly, the Lord has the power to strengthen us and to bring us out on the other side of ...
Why does God give His children such hard lives? Why do bad things still happen to good people? Have you ever felt like you are being asked to do things you have no ability to do? Or have you fel...