

Studying the Bible

Our Walk with God

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We can learn a lot about the Christian walk by looking at the journey of the Israelites after they escaped Egypt & became their own sovereign nation. So before we move on from Mount Sanai, we summarize their journey and look for similarities in our own Christian walk. We also look at Paul's description of his walk with the Lord and how we can relate. We ultimately will see that the victory is in Jesus and not in our own power. God's desire for us is to grow closer to Him & stronger in our faith.

God Reveals Himself

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Moses asked God to show him His glory & God revealed more of who He is to Moses. But still he only sees God in part because here on earth, we can only see Him in part. Thankfully God shows us the part of Him that we need to see at the time. So ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He wants His children to know Him more. When Moses left the Presence of the Lord, His face reflected God's glory. When we spend time with God, we become more like Him, & we exhibit that to the world. So turn to the Lord & allow Him to transform you more and more so that you can reveal Him to the world.

God's Love & Favor

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Moses told the Lord that He could not move forward if He was not with him. Moses knew what Jesus told his disciples, that we can do nothing without Him. Sometimes we just need a little reassurance. Sometimes, we just can't get our feeling to line up with the truth we know. That is when we talk to God. Pray according to His Word. Let Him know that you trust Him but you just need encouragement, hope, & direction. Just as it was with the Israelites, the only thing that separates us from the rest of the world, is the Lord's Presence in our lives.


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Only a month after agreeing to obey the Lord, the Israelites broke their covenant. Moses had to intercede for mercy but they did not fully escape the consequences. He tried to illustrate what breaking only a few laws really meant and also showed them the usefulness of their visible god. The Levites paid a huge price by publicly proclaiming their allegiance and service to God but were blessed abundantly. Then Moses tried to atone for their sins only to be told he was not worthy or able. From the Israelites we learn that the law can only condemn. We all break God's law and we all need His mercy. We must all choose whether we are willing to serve Him or not. No one but Jesus can bring forgiveness, mercy, and salvation and we are alone are responsible for our faith or lack there of. We all must choose what price we are willing to pay for the One that paid it all for us?

The Golden Calf

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Even though we cannot see and hear God, we can see the evidence of His Power. The people wanted a visible god. Aaron led them in their sin instead of encouraging them to have faith and obey the Lord. He built them a golden calf and as they worshipped it, they thought they were worshipping the Lord. They had been influenced by other religions and began mixing their practices with the worship of God and did not even realize it. Do we do this today? Have we mixed the practices of the world around us into the church & formed a perverted gospel without realizing it? Are we pulling in the things of the world and calling it Christianity?

Covered in the Blood

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Upon hearing the Word of God, the people confessed Him as their Lord & accepted the sacrifice made on their behalf. Then they were covered in its blood, reconciling them to God. By entering into this covenant relationship with God, they were brought into fellowship with the Holy, Almighty God. The process is the same for us today. When we hear the Word of God spoken to us & confess Him as our Lord, accepting the sacrifice of Jesus that was made on behalf of all people, then we are reconciled to the Lord & brought into fellowship with Him.

God With Us

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God does not send His people into the unknown future alone. His angel will go with them into the Promised Land. He has prepared it for them and goes with them. What is unknown to us is not unknown to our Father in Heaven. His Holy Spirit is our Helper, Truth Teller, Teacher, Reminder, & Peace-giver. His plan may not come quickly but His will for our lives will be fulfilled. Little by little He destroys the obstacles as we gain possession of what He has prepared for us. Our job is to trust and obey as we wait for His plans to be fulfilled. Do not allow yourself to be compromised or led astray by the ways or things of the world. Do not look to the world for answers or deliverance. Our God is sufficient for us. He is all we need. Wait, keep His way, hope in Him.

Meeting with God

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Because of Jesus, we can be close to God. The Israelites could only approach His Presence but believers today can go all the way to the Throne of Grace. We will live in His Presence eternally because of our Mediator, Jesus. How should we prepare to meet with God now & for the future. In response to God's salvation, He calls us to obey just as He did the Israelites on Mount Sanai. Do not refuse the Powerful Voice of the Lord. Draw near to Him today.

Leader & Judge

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Have you ever been so overwhelmed that you are just going through the motions of the day with no real plan or purpose? Then you can relate to Moses. Listen to the advise of his father-in-law and learn how to step back, look at the big picture, & delegate. Order your day with purpose & do the job well that the Lord has for you specifically. Also, fighting the battle but relying on God's power for the victory. Then how did God set up the judicial system of his new nation & what is true justice.

Depend on God

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Sometimes God brings us to a place of need so that we will learn to depend on Him. After their deliverance from Egypt, the Israelites found themselves in the wilderness, depending on God every single day to feed them and give them water. He was teaching them to depend on him daily. His provision for their physical growth and health points us to His provision for us in Jesus for our spiritual growth and health. He feeds us with His word and we must consume it in order to grow in our faith.

About this podcast

I love the Bible and I want you to love it too. I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable. Leave a review and let me know if you enjoy these podcast and if feel you like you are growing through them.

by Courtney Gilmore


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